About Geeks Guild Box O’ GamesBox O’ Games are sets of games available to geeks guild members. Pre-set for a great time. | Never played these games before?Find out what these games are over at BGG and our handy dandy games list. |
Box O’ Games Rules
Join The Geeks Guild Become a member and get the perks below, for only $10 a year for individuals and $20 for households. Membership Perks
| Geeks Guild Pub Play A set of light party games perfect for a summer's day. Contains: Zombie Dice, Coup, Love Letter, The Mind, Ghost Blitz, Drinking Fluxx Geeks Guild Good Ol' Classics The classics! Contains: Catan, Carcassone, Splendor, Codenames, Tsuro, Dixit Geeks Guild Family Fun These games will keep the whole family entertained, fun, quick and easy to explain. Contains: Jungle Speed, Cockroach Poker, Ice Cool, KingDomino, Hey, That's my fish! |